BJJ Black belt Brian McLaughlin shows the knee slice off the half butterfly guard. This is a powerful pass to use in a common situation you’ll find yourself in when inside of an opponent’s guard. To train with Brian in Poughkeepsie, click here.
Ankle Pick Takedown from Underhook Position
BJJ Blackbelt Brian McLaughlin shows an ankle pick from underhook. The ankle pick is a great takedown to add to your grappling repertoire because of its versatility and success rate if executed properly. Brian breaks down how to hit the takedown off the underhook position, although there are other ways to hit an ankle pick, […]
Side Control Crucifix to Paper Cutter Choke
BJJ Black Belt Brian McLaughlin shows a gi choke from side control. The key detail is the use of the crucifix which makes escaping the position as well as defending the submission virtually impossible. In this instance the crucifix is setting up a choke, but there are a variety of elbow and shoulder locks that […]